Feb 6, 2023 | BidMed Technology, Expert Insights
Lost equipment and inaccurate medical inventory lists often lead to drastically higher hospital expenditures — including asset underutilization, equipment that could be sold or transferred in-network, and sometimes extra expenses from unused service contracts. Many...
Dec 17, 2019 | Recent News
We’ve made some big changes to our website, with newly updated asset management services. These are the same great tools we’ve provided all along, just wrapped up in tidy new packages! As always, our services are tailored for each customer and combined as...
May 7, 2019 | BidMed Technology
Simplify your asset management process in one place with our cloud-based Surplus Management System. From this desktop portal, users can view a comprehensive list of all their equipment and easily select when to schedule items for disposition or replacement. A...
Apr 16, 2019 | BidMed Technology
As the Helix tech suite’s workhorse, the Helix Mobile app for iPhone and iPod Touch gets your inventory processed in record time. Create a comprehensive inventory so you never lose track of equipment again! Whether you let our experts handle an initial bulk setup or...
Oct 13, 2018 | BidMed Technology
BidMed’s Surplus Management System, or SMS, helps simplify your asset management strategy in one place with a cloud-based interface. From this desktop portal you can view a comprehensive list of all your equipment and easily select when to schedule items for...