Refurbished Sourcing Services
Healthcare facilities can stretch capital budgets further than ever by supplementing new purchases with quality refurbished medical equipment.
Let us help find the equipment you need!
Keeping budgets balanced is no easy task.
Whether managing new purchases or coordinating replacements and upgrades, budgets always run out too soon. You’re pulling all the strings to meet facility needs, but there has to be a better way.

Budgets never stretch as far as they need to.
Physicians consistently ask for new equipment to optimize patient care. And you know it’s valuable, but your budget is strapped just managing replacements.
How can you acquire the best technology for your patients and staff, but still maintain fiscal responsibility?

Which vendors can you really trust?
Maybe you’ve tried the secondary market before and been burned. Or maybe you’ve just heard the stories.
After all, slapping on a new coat of paint isn’t really refurbishing, but who’s keeping vendors in check?

There’s no time to search for savings.
Besides — your entire team is already busy. Who has time to dig through the market searching for bargains?
You know you can trust new purchases and OEM refurbished equipment, but third party refurbishment brings even more savings. Knowing your options based on availability and budget helps make the best decisions for you.
What if you could outsource the entire process and still save money?
As experts in the used medical equipment industry, BidMed has helped hundreds of hospitals navigate the secondary market. From planning proactive budgets to sourcing quality equipment, we take the stress out of the process.
Find balance between budgets and patient care!
Focus on Four Key Elements to Increase Savings

Optimize Budgets with Proactive Planning
Projecting acquisitions not only distributes purchases, it also provides time to find the best savings.
Our connection with thousands of hospitals across North America gives us early insight for high-value equipment coming to market.
That could be large turnover from facility liquidations, or like-new specialty equipment that was requested by a physician who’s left a practice.
A projected capital wish list helps us leverage this insight over time and optimize your best opportunities.

Afford More Equipment by Buying Used
Whether purchasing a few wish list items or overhauling your entire acquisition strategy, used equipment stretches capital budgets further.
We focus on three primary sources to find the best equipment for your needs:
Hospital Direct | Direct-from-service assets from active hospitals are known to be in good working condition. These assets are often a mistaken purchase by the selling facility, or may have been bought for a physician who has left.
Bankruptcy Liquidations | Facility foreclosures often mean huge savings on top-quality equipment. Sometimes these assets are barely used.
Quality Refurbished | Every vendor specializes in certain types of equipment. Our certified vendors help ensure assets maintain high standards of patient care.

Leverage an Extensive and Trusted Network
Thousands of Hospitals
Our relationship with TractManager helps support 3500+ hospitals across North America. This means we often have insight on valuable equipment before it officially hits the market.
Certified Vendors
There is no regulatory oversight for medical refurbishing companies. Some disreputable sellers will simply add a coat of spray paint and call it “refurbished.”
But don’t let the horror stories keep you from great savings — because we are experts in this industry, we know who to trust and who to avoid.
BidMed’s certified refurbishers are vetted and approved by our specialists, including site visits. We even classify these sellers by specialty, knowing who is best with each type of equipment.