Manage and execute inventory projects faster than ever before with Inventory+.

Inventory+ is a medical inventory software solution that integrates directly with the Helix Mobile app. The secure, web-based platform supports unlimited users and locations.
Deliver quality, trusted results to stakeholders over 2.5x faster than traditional methods.

See How Helix Works for You

Seamlessly manage multiple inventory projects from start to finish with an all-in-one platform.
Inventory+ helps manage unlimited projects and users with a simple, intuitive cloud-based platform — all while ensuring consistent, standardized data.
Manage user accounts to provide your team with secure access to one or multiple projects and quickly adjust user privileges with customized user roles.
Control location naming conventions with access to create and edit project locations, from facility to room number, ensuring uniform results and reporting.
Manage data field options by customizing autocomplete and dropdown menus, which are applied consistently across both Inventory+ and Helix Mobile.

One centralized hub provides live data visibility, allowing you to manage inventory results in real-time from anywhere.
Remotely monitor project progress — on-site, at the office, or on the go — and communicate timely feedback to your team and all stakeholders.
Track team performance with equipment count breakdowns per user to ensure projects are on schedule and individuals are meeting performance standards.
Monitor live data to ensure inventory process compliance and provide teams with real-time feedback from anywhere.
View location-based completion results to determine areas needing additional
effort to inventory missing baseline equipment.

Advanced data analysis features enable a simplified, systematic review and approval process.
Real-time access allows approved users to track, correct, and standardize data mid-project, leaving less work when the project is complete.
Perform mass data updates to quickly fix errors or inconsistencies, ensuring nomenclature is standardized across all data fields.
Review user-specific data to identify common errors and understand which users inventoried specific equipment or last updated equipment data.
Approve collected data with a customized process that streamlines single and multi-phased approvals, both during and at the completion of projects.

Transparent and immediate reports give you total confidence in final project results.
Seeing how all your data fits together — from baseline to final results — provides unparalleled insights and a single, congruent record.
Identify baseline validated and unvalidated equipment, as well as items added during the inventory process, using detailed breakout reports.
Highlight all data changes for equipment- and location-based variables that diverge from your baseline record with discrepancy reports.
Enable efficient updates to your system of record with unique ID tracking from import to export on comprehensive overview reports.

Ready to optimize your entire equipment workflow?
Schedule a 30min demo to see our software live and assess your specific needs.